DeFi Strategies Made Simple
One-click vaults that enable groundbreaking DeFi strategies.
Unlock liquidity and capital efficiency for DeFi with vault-backed jAssets.
Vaults TVL
Smart LP TVL
Smart LP
The ultimate tool to effortlessly manage V3 liquidity positions
Smart LP is a set of automated concentrated liquidity strategies that provide a hands-free approach to managing V3 positions. This strategy suite is perfect for retail traders, protocols, exchanges, and funds seeking simplicity and high performance.

jAura has arrived!
Auto compounding strategy for your AURA
Auto-compounding strategy that allows you to earn yield on your AURA tokens. Over time, each jAURA token will become backed by more underlying vlAURA . Our integrations with Aura Finance, Balancer and Hidden Hand allow you to collect yield automatically, without the hassle of having to sell tokens, lock positions, or vote in bribe rounds yourself.
Smart Leverage

Leveraged Delta GLP Vault
Deposit into the vault with any GLP basket assets (ETH, BTC, USDC, etc). The vault will then borrow from the Jones USDC vault in order to lever up and mint additional GLP. By utilizing the new SMART LEVERAGE system, the strategy has set parameters to auto adjust leverage that stays within a predefined risk range.
New Standard

Gamma Neutral USDC Vault
Supported Tokens

Supported Networks